UIDAI Update Aadhaar Rules: Check Details on Revised Forms, Changing Information Format

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has issued new rules under the UID (Enrolment and Update) rules, wherein it has updated the enrolment and updating processes. The new changes are referred to as the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Amendment Regulations, 2024. The changes have been revised to make the enrolment process more accessible for residents and non-residents alike.

The 12-digit unique UID number can now be updated online and offline, as per its notification on January 16. UIDAI has introduced two new forms for enrolling for Aadhaar and updating the information in it. Different forms have been issued for resident individuals and non-resident individuals (NRIs) for Aadhaar enrolment/updation purposes.

Update of information

The new rules give the applicants the flexibility to update information in the Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR) - by visiting the enrolment centre or via the website/mobile application. 

Earlier, the rules, introduced in 2016, provided only for the updation of addresses in online mode.  The 2016 rules did not allow updation of documents or information via online form or mobile application. To update other details, the Aadhaar number holder had to visit the enrolment centre.

Revised forms

UIDAI has revised the old forms to make them more user-friendly. 
Form 1: Aadhaar’s enrollment and update. 

Anyone aged 18 years and above, residents or non-resident Indians (NRI) can use this form to apply for an Aadhaar number. Applicants should have an Indian address proof.

The same form can also be used to update details in Aadhaar. 

Form 2: For NRIs 

This form can be used by the NRIs, who have their proof of address outside India. They can use it for enrollment and to update their details. 

 Forms 3 to 6: For Kids

Forms 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 have been introduced to cater to the enrolment and updates for children of various age groups, both residents and NRIs.

Form 3 is for those children who are 5 years to under 18 years, residents or NRIs. This is for those who have an Indian address proof. 

Form 4 is for NRI children who are 5 years to under 18 years old but do not have Indian address proof. 

Form 5 is for resident Indian children aged below five years who have Indian address proof.  

Form 6 is for NRI children below five years who have proof of address outside India. 

Form 7 is for resident foreign nationals. They have to be more than 18 years of age to enrol and update their Aadhaar card. They should have a foreign passport, OCI card, valid long-term Indian visa, and an email ID. 

Form 8 is for resident foreign nationals under 18 for enrollment and details updates. 

Form 9 is for cancelling an Aadhaar number upon attaining the age of 18. 

Proof for age

Under the revised rules, UIDAI has said there should be documentary proof if the age of an individual is declared or approximate. This would ensure that the complete date of birth is printed on the Aadhaar card, enhancing accuracy and authenticity, UIDAI said.

UIDAI has said the enrolment for Aadhaar and update of Aadhaar details can be done either based on document verification or based on confirmation by the Head of Family (HoF). If HoF is doing it, then he or she would be required to provide his/her Aadhaar details and sign Form 1.

On the other hand, NRIs must provide an email ID in Aadhaar. In case, NRI provides a non-Indian mobile number, no SMS/text message will be sent to that number. This has been noted in the Form 1 guidelines. 

NEWS SOURCE: Business Today

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